(* = refereed publications)
A = monograph; B = journal article; C = book chapter.
Australian research classification codes: UM (Literary Studies: Asia and the Pacific). YX (humanities).
Book-length projects now in progress:
A1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Warriors of the Spirit: Lu Xun’s Classical-style Essays of the Japan Period (monograph underway).
A1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Lu Xun: a Research Biography with Annotated Bibliography of Sources in Chinese, Japanese and English (monograph underway).
B1* Meiguo de “Lu Xun re” – Yingyu shijie xueshujie dui Lu Xun de zaipingjia (Lu Xun “in vogue” in America – the reassessment of Lu Xun by scholarly circles in the English-speaking world) in Dong Yue Luncong 东岳论丛 (Eastern Yue Collectanea) vol. 344, 2023, issue 2, pp. 28-36. ISSN 1003-8353.
C1* “Sai Jinhua (1864-1936): Cross-cultural Courtesan” in Creators of Modern China: 100 Lives, ed. Jessica Harrison-Hall (London: The British Museum, 2023).
B1* Si yu ban zhimindi Shanghai: yan gui zhengzhuan (Death in semi-colonial Shanghai: returning to the crux of the matter) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan (Lu Xun Research Monthly) vol. 479, 2022, issue 3, pp. 5-20. This was the lead article in the issue.
B1* Guanyu “Moluo shi li shuo” de caiyuan kaozheng ji qita (On the sources of ‘On the Power of Mara Poetry’ and other issues) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan (Lu Xun Research Monthly) vol. 483, 2022, issue 7, pp. 22-25. DOI:10.15945/j.cnki.cn11-2722/i.2022.07.002
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von, “Lu Xun’s Death: a Postmortem” in Frontiers of Literary Studies in China 2021, 15 (1), 75-108.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von, “On the Sources of Lu Xun’s Treatise on Mara Poetry: Some Issues and a Few Answers” in JOSAH: Journal of the Australian Society for Asian Humanities, 2021, vol. 52, 172-179.
A1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von), Weimiao de Geming: Qingmo Minchu de ‘Jiu Pai’ Shiren (The Subtle Revolution: late-Qing and early Republican-era poets of the ‘old schools’) (Beijing: Sanlian, 2020). ISBN 978-7-108-06689-3. Refereed monograph.
C1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von, Shi shounuekuang,yunyu ganchang, fuhua Hu shang fan ci zhongzhong, yu ai heguan? Yige ‘wenzi xuejia’ yan Zhong de ‘Se/Jie’ ji qi yuanzhu wenben (On sado-masochism, steamy sex and Shanghai splendor: what’s love got to do with it? A ‘philologist’ looks at Lust/Caution and several editions of the text in the original languages) in P’eng Hsiao-yen, ed. Se,Jie cong Zhang Ailing dao Li An (Lust/Caution: from Eileen Chang to Ang Lee) (Taipei: Academia Sinica / Zhongyang Yanjiu Yuan, 2020) pp. 95-116.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von, “Understanding Wild Grass by Talking to Oneself: Lu Xun’s Yecao through the Lens of Ziyan Ziyu and the Prism of the Past” in Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 2019, 13 (2) 171-199. DOI 10.38681 so10-008-019-0021-6.
B1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – Zhunei Hao de Lu Xun: Zhongguo de Zhunei Hao (Takeuchi Yoshimi’s Lu Xun: China’s Takeuchi Yoshimi) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan (Lu Xun Research Monthly), vol 451, issue 11, November 2019, pp. 25-38; p. 49. ISSN 1003-0638.
B1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) “Xiandai ‘Niguzhuyizhe’: zai lun ‘jiupai shiren’ yu qi jichengzhe – lun Xiandai Niguzhuyizhe: 1900-1937 Zhongguo shici chuantong de yanxu he chuangxin”(Modern Archaics”: On the Poets of the ‘Old Schools’ and their Successors), Lu Shan trans. in the Wuhan University journal Changjiang Xueshu (Yangtze River Academic) 2019, issue 2, (vol. 62), pp. 11-21. ISSN 1673-9221. Refereed journal listed in the MLA International Biliography and MLA Directory of Periodicals.
B1 Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) Zhongguo yizhi zai Gaibian zhong Qianxing (China has Continued to Advance amid Change) article published online at Zhongxinwang by Zhongguo Xinwen She (China News Service) 25 July 2019.
B1 Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) Liaojie Fengfu Duoyuan Zhongguo bu neng zou “Jiejing” – zhuan fang Aodaliya Hanxuejia Kou Zhiming (There are No “Shortcuts” to an Understanding of the Multicultural Tapestry that is China) an interview with Hao Yalin published in Cankao Xiaoxi (Reference News) September 24, 2019, p. 11.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von. “The Diaspora and the Nation: a Cultural Poetics of Re-membering in Lai Shengchuan’s Taiwan Trilogy” in the Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese (JMLC), vol. 15, no.2, winter 2018, pp. 157-180. Special issue “China on the Move: Travel, Exile, and Migration in Chinese Literature and Film of the 20th Century,” guest editors Stephen Roddy, Frederik Green, Wei Menkus.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von. “Fresh Ghosts – Walkabout in Australia with Lu Xun” in Studia Orientalia Slovaca, 17(1), 73-92, 2018.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von. “Takeuchi’s Lu Xun – China’s Takeuchi” in the Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia #49 (2017) pp. 1-25. Note: the journal date is 2017, but it was published in 2018.
B1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) — “Wengu zhixin”: Touguo “Ziyan Ziyu” ji “Guoqu” de shijiao chongdu Lu Xun de “Yecao” (Discovering the New by Reviewing the Old”: Rereading Lu Xun’s *Wild Grass* through “Talking to Oneself” and the Perspective of the Past) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan (Lu Xun Research Monthly), vol 436, issue 8, August 2018, pp. 4-14. ISSN 1003-0638.This is the feature article at the front of the issue.
C1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – “Guanyu Lu Xun Zaoqi Wenyan lunwen de Haiwai Xueshu Fanying” (“On the Overseas Academic Reception to Lu Xun’s Early Classical-style Essays”) in Beijing Lu Xun Bowuguan, ed., Lu Xun Wenhua Yichan yu Dangdai Zhongguo [Lu Xun’s Cultural Heritage and Contemporary China], pp. 365-405. ISBN 978-7-01-018596-5.
B1*“Re-contextualizing Lu Xun’s Early wenyan Essays in the Journal Henan” in Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 2018-10, 12 (3), pp. 388-423. DOI 10.3868/S010-006-017-0034-6.
B1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – “Guanyu Lu Xun Zaoqi Wenyan lunwen de Haiwai Xueshu Fanying” (“Concerning Scholarly Evaluations in the West and Japan of Lu Xun’s Early Classical-style Essays”) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan [Lu Xun Research Monthly] vol 421, 2017, issue 5, pp. 4-26. ISSN 1003-0638. UM, YX. This was the feature article in the issue.
C Kowallis, Jon Eugene von. “On the Reception of Lu Xun’s Classical-style Essays” in The Collected Works at the Symposium on China Studies 2016 (Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe, 2017), pp. 291-299. ISBN 978-7-5203-0661-4.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “On the Critical Reception of Lu Xun’s Early Classical-style Essays of the Japan Period” in the Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (Duke University Press), main feature in special issue edited by David Der-Wei Wang (Harvard), 2016-11, vol. 3 (2), pp. 357-399.
A1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – Zhong Ying Duizhao Lu Xun Jiuti Shi (Lu Xun’s Classical-style Poetry: a Bilingual Version (Shenyang: Chunfeng Wenyi Chubanshe, 2016) ISBN 978-7-5313-5086-6. URL: This book was awarded a competitive publishing grant of Y 50,000 from the Chinese State Publication Bureau in their 2017 annual round.
C1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – “Lu Xun bu Yuanhua, Ta dui Women Jiang Zhenxin Hua (“Lu Xun’s Lack of Rhetorical Guile and Frankness in Exposition”) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan [Lu Xun Research Monthy] issue no. 2017, December 2016, no. 12, pp. 81-85.
B1 Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “From America to Australia with Lu Xun”. Book chapter in Mabel Lee, et al ed. Lu Xun and Australia (Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2016).
“On China’s Cultural Transformation: a Response to Professor Yu Keping,” Published on-line at the Sydney Democracy Network website, ed. by Professor John Keene, University of Sydney:
Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – Aodaliya Lu Xun Yanjiu Zhuanjia Kou Zhiming: “Lu Xun de Lishi Jiazhi yuelai yue Zhongyao (“Lu Xun’s Historical Significance is Becoming Greater and Greater” – Australian Lu Xun Research Expert Jon von Kowallis) an article and interview with Song Lei written in Chinese in Changjiang Ribao (Yangzi River Daily) Du Zhoukan (Reading: a weekly supplement), 13 December 2016, p. 16 passim. This is a top-grade, national-level newspaper and media outlet. Text also available online at
Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – Kou Zhiming: Yige Xifang Xuezhe Zhui Lu Xun de Wushi Nian Lutu (Jon von Kowallis: a Western Scholar’s Fifty-year Journey in Search of Lu Xun) interview with woman journalist Shen Jiequn conducted in Chinese, published in Zhongguo Qingnian Bao (China’s Youth), Wenhua Ke (A Cultural Lesson – section), 20 November 2016. This is national-level newspaper and online media outlet. Text also available online through WeChat, Lu Xun Researchers Group, coordinated by Prof Liu Chunyong, Chuanmei Daxue, Beijing.
Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – Xin Shiji yilai Lu Xun zai Yingyu Shijie de Yingxiang yu Chuanbo (Lu Xun’s influence and dissemination in the English-speaking world in the present century) in Guxiang (Lu Xun’s Old Home), journal of the Lu Xun Wenhua Jijinhui Foundation, Shaoxing fenhui branch, issue no. 5, June 2016, pp. 31-33.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von — “Collisions of the Past with the Present: Translation, Texts and History” in Frontiers of Literary Studies in China vol. 9, no. 4, December 2015, pp. 582-616. UM, YX. ISSN 1673-7318 UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – “Lu Xun zaoqi wenyan lunwen li suo tansuo de xin wenhua (“The new culture explored in Lu Xun’s early essays”) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan [Lu Xun Research Monthly] vol 400, 2015, issue 8, pp. 4-10. ISSN 1003-0638. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) -“Henan zazhi: Lu Xun zaoqi wenyan lunwen de lishi, sixiang beijing, yiji Zhou shi xiongdi xinmu zhong wenxue de shiming” (The journal Ho-nan: its history, intellectual background, and the Zhou brothers’ idea of the mission of literature) in Xiandai Zhongwen Xuekan [Journal of Modern Chinese Studies](#38), issue 5, October 2015, pp. 56-65. ISSN 1674-7704. UM. YX.
C1 “Issues in Translating and Interpreting Lu Xun’s Classical-style Poetry” in Harmony (Kathmandu: Devkota-Lu Xun Academy, Nepal) 2015, pp.26-34.
“Modern ‘Archaics’: A New Look at the Poets of the ‘Old Schools’ and their Successors” a Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Resource Center Publication (September 2015), pp. 1-20. Can be read online at UM, YX.
“Guowai Hanxue de Weiji – yu Aodaliya Hanxuejia Kou Zhiming de Duihua” (The Crisis in International Sinology: an interview with Australian Sinologist Jon von Kowallis) in Guoji Hanxue (International Sinology) (Beijing: Waiyu Jiaoxue yu Yanjiu Chubanshe), vol. 5, issue 12, 2015, pp. 11-15. ISSN 2095-9257. UM. YX.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun on Our Minds: The Post-Socialist Reappraisal” lead essay in issue of the US Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 73, no. 4 (August) 2014, pp. 1-7. ISSN 00219118. UM, YX.
C1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Sado-Masochism, Steamy Sex and Shanghai Glitter: What’s Love Got to Do With It? A Philologist Looks at Se/Jie the Film and the Story” refereed book chapter in P’eng Hsiao-yen, ed. From Eileen Chang to Ang Lee: Lust/Caution (New York and London: Routledge, 2014), pp. 51-63. Hardback ISBN 978-0-415-73120-1; e-book ISBN 978-1-135-84982-9. UM, YX.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “The Lu Xun of Western Sinologists? Pierre Ryckmans, Simon Leys, René Leys, and the ‘Aestheticization’ of Lu Xun” refereed essay in Studia Orientalia Slovaca, vol. 13, no. 2, 2014, pp. 279-297.
C1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – Lun Lu Xun ‘Moluo Shi Li Shuo’ de Yingwen Fanyi: ‘Yuan’ wenben jiqi ‘Jingyi’ yu ‘ziju’ de liangnan (On the English translation of Lu Xun’s ‘On the Power of Mara Poetry’: the source text and the ‘figurative’ vs ‘literal dilemma’) in Zhang Hongsheng, Park Jae Woo and Liu Chunyong, ed., Shijie Lu Xun yu Lu Xun Shijie: Meijie, Fanyi yu Xiandaixing Shuxie [Lu Xun in the World and Lu Xun’s World: Media, Translation and the Writing of Modernity] (Beijing: Zhongguo Chuanmei Daxue Chubanshe, 2014), pp. 282-289.ISBN 978-7-6557-0708-7. UM, YX.
C1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) — “Fanyi yu duchuangxing: chonggu zuowei fanyijia de Lu Xun” (Translation and Creativity: Reappraising Lu Xun as a Translator) in Wen Rumin and Chen Pingyuan, ed. Wang Yao Xiansheng Bainian Danchen Jinian Lunwenji [Festschrift for the 100th Anniversary of Professor Wang Yao’s Birth] (Beijing: Sanlian Shudian, 2014), pp. 341-353. ISBN 978-7-108-04445-7. UM, UX.
“The Chinese Prose Poem: a Study of Lu Xun’s Wild Grass (Yecao)” in Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, 36 (2014), pp. 219-224. UM, YX.
C1 Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – “Wo Zenme yu Wang Yao Xiansheng Jieshi” (How I Came to Know Professor Wang Yao) in Wen Rumin and Chen Pingyuan, ed. Wang Yao Xiansheng Bainian Danchen Jinian Lunwenji [Festschrift for the 100th Anniversary of Professor Wang Yao’s Birth] (Beijing: Sanlian Shudian, 2014), pp. 350-351.
B1 Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Remembering C.T. Hsia” in features section, Chinese Literature Today (University of Oklahoma), vol 4, no 1 (October 2014), p. 122. I was C.T. Hsia’s student as an undergraduate at Columbia.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Translating Lu Xun’s Mara: Determining the ‘Source’ Text, the ‘Spirit’ vs ‘Letter’ Dilemma and Other Philosophical Conundrums” in Frontiers of Literary Studies in China 7 (3), pp. 422-440. ISSN 1673-7318. UM, YX.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Rethinking China, Confucianism and the World from the Late Qing: a Special Issue on Zhang Taiyan and Lu Xun” in Frontiers of Literary Studies in China 7 (3), pp. 325-332. ISSN 1673-7318. UM, YX.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun’s Early Essays and Present-Day China” in Studia Orientalia Slovaca 12-1 (2013), pp. 1301-1313. ISSN 1336-3786. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – “Yinwei Lu Xun de shu hai shi hao mai”: Guanyu Lu Xun xiaoshuo de Yingwen fanyi (“’Because Lu Xun’s Works Still Sell’: Translating Lu Xun’s Fiction”) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan [Lu Xun Research Monthly] vol 370, 2013, issue 2, pp. 38-50. ISSN 1003-0638. UM, YX.
C1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – “Haixia liang’an de rentong wenti: Zhonghua Minguo yibai zhounian jinian yu Lai Shengchuan zuopin” (The question of identity on both sides of the Taiwan Straits: Lai Shengchuan’s works and the 100th anniversary of the Republic of China) in P’eng Hsiao-yen, ed. Kua wenhua qingjing: chayi yu dongtai ronghe – Taiwan xian/dangdai wenxue wenhua yanjiu [Cross-cultural circumstances: fusing difference and developments – research into modern and contemporary Taiwan literature and culture] (Taipei: Zhongyang Yanjiu Yuan (Academia Sinica) in series: Zhongguo Wen Zhe Zhuankan #42, Zhongguo Wen Zhe Yanjiusuo, 2013) pp. 121-137. ISBN 978-986-03-7215-1. UM, YX.
C1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – “Fanyi yu duchuangxing: chonggu zuowei fanyijia de Lu Xun” (Translation and Creativity: Reappraising Lu Xun as a Translator) in Lu Xun Fanyi Yanjiu Lunwen Ji [Studies of Lu Xun as a Translator] Shenyang: Chunfeng Wenyi Chubanshe, 2013. ISBN 978-7-5313-4494-0.
A1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von, ed. – Late-Qing Living Texts: Zhang Taiyan and Lu Xun. I am the sole guest editor for this special issue of the refereed journal Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, vol. 7. No. 3, September 2013, dist. by E J Brill. The issue also includes the article listed above “Translating Lu Xun’s Mara: determining the ‘source’ text, the ‘spirit’ versus ‘letter’ dilemma and other philosophical conundrums” by JK and a separately titled introduction to the entire issue: “Rethinking China, Confucianism and the World from the Late Qing: a Special Issue on Zhang Taiyan and Lu Xun” by JK. The articles and the volume were planned by me, but each was individually evaluated by academic peer reviewers through a double-blind process. ISSN 1673-7318. UM, YX.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun’s Classical-style Poetry and the 1911 Revolution” in Frontiers of Literary Studies in China,” vol. 6, no. 3, 2012, pp. 112-130. ISSN 1673-7318; e-ISSN 1673-7423.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “On Translating Lu Xun’s Fiction” in Studia Orientalia Slovaca II, 2 (2012), pp. 193-213. ISSN 1336-3786.
B1* Kou Zhiming (i.e Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – Gen Lu Xun Paihuai zai Aozhou: Dangdai Aozhou Geju ‘Xin Gui’ ji Aozhou meiti de fanying (A Walkabout with Lu Xun in Australia: the Modern Australian Opera ‘Fresh Ghosts’ and the Australian Media’s Reaction) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan [Lu Xun Research Monthly] vol 364, 2012, issue 8, pp. 28-36. ISSN 1003-0638.
C1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Lun Chen Yan, Chen Sanli, Zheng Xiaoxu he Tong-Guang Ti (On Chen Yan, Chen Sanli, Zheng Xiaoxu and the Tong-Guang Stylists), chapter in Wu Shengqing, Gao Jiaqian, ed. Shuqing chuantong yu weixin shidai: Xinhai qianhou de wenren, wenxue [The Lyrical tradition and the reform era: literature and literati prior to and after 1911] (Shanghai: Shanghai Wenyi Chubanshe, 2012), pp. 520-566. ISBN 9787532146604.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Lu Xun’s ‘Toward a Refutation of Malevolent Voices’ in boundary2: an international journal of literature and culture (Duke University Press), vol. 38, no. 2, summer 2011, pp. 39-62. ISSN 0190-3659. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Fanyi yu duchuangxing: chonggu zuowei fanyijia de Lu Xun (Translation and Creativity: Reappraising Lu Xun as a Translator) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan [Lu Xun Research Monthly], vol 352, 2011, issue 8, pp. 26-33. ISSN 1003-0638. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon – Su Xuelin lun Lu Xun zhi ‘mi’ (The ‘Enigma’ of Su Xuelin ‘On Lu Xun’) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan [Lu Xun Research Monthly], vol 348, 2011, issue 4, pp. 34-46. ISSN 1003-0638. UM, YX.
C1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Lu Xun Yanjiu zai Yingyu Shijie: Guoqu, Dangqian, Weilai (Research on Lu Xun in the English-speaking World: Past, Present, and Future) the main chapter from the “Lu Xun Yingxiang zai Haiwai” (Lu Xun’s Influence Abroad) section in Zhou Lingfei and Park Jae Woo, ed. Lu Xun Shehui Yingxiang: Diaocha Baogao (Lu Xun’s Social Impact: A Report on an Investigation), (Beijing: Renmin Ribao Chubanshe, 2011) pp. 257-276. ISBN 978-7-5115-0641-2.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “The Enigma of Su Xuelin and Lu Xun” in Wen yu Zhe (Literature and Philosophy) journal of National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, issue 16, June 2010, pp. 493-527. UM, YX.
C1* Kou Zhiming (i.e. Jon Eugene von Kowallis), “Zai Beijing aoyun yinying xia chongdu Lu Xun zaonian de wenyan lunwen” (Re-reading Lu Xun’s early classical-style essays in the shadow of the Beijing Olympics) chapter in Zuo wei jianzheng de wenxue [Literature as witness], Bei Ling, ed. (Taipei: Ziyou wenhua chubanshe, 2009), pp. 42-49. ISBN 978-986-84799-0-6. UM, YX.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Translation and Originality: Reexamining Lu Xun as a Translator” in the Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, vol. 39-40 (part 2), pp. 320-333.UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon – “Jieri zhiyu Lu Xun: ‘Xiao chuantong’ yu Minguo shidai guominxing ziwo rentong de wenhua shiye” (Festivals for Lu Xun: The ‘Lesser Tradition’ and National Identity Construction in the Republican Era) chapter in the book Yibu zhuifeng: Xifang xuezhe lun Zhongguo wenxue [Following the wind in measured steps: Western scholars on Chinese literature] ed. by Hua-yuan L. Mowry, Dartmouth College for Xing Wen, ed., Academy Translation Series of International Scholarship in Chinese Studies, Beijing: Xueyuan chubanshe, pp. 158-178. ISBN 978-7-5077-3054-8. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “21 Shiji de minzu yuyan: cong Taiwan wenxue jiaodu kan Zhan Mingxin – Akemade zhi zheng” (National Allegory for the 21st Century: revisiting the Jameson/Ahmad debate from the Perspective of Taiwanese Literature) in Xi’nan Minzu Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Southwest Nationalities University) 2007, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 112-119. ISSN 1004-3926. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon – “Xuexi Lu Xun sishi nian” (40 Years of researching Lu Xun) in Shanghai Lu Xun yanjiu [Shanghai Lu Xun research], ed. and comp. by the Shanghai Lu Xun jinian guan, (Shanghai wenyi chubanshe), Spring 2007, pp. 66-81. ISBN 978-7-5321-3223-2. UM, YX.
A1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – The Subtle Revolution: Poets of the ‘Old Schools’ during Late Qing and early Republican China (University of California, Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, 2006) – China Research Monographs #60 refereed book (monograph). UM, YX.
C1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun and Terrorism: A Reading of Revenge and Violence in Mara and Beyond,” chapter 4 in Peter Zarrow, ed. Creating Chinese Modernity: Knowledge and Everyday Life, 1900-1940 (New York: Peter Lang, 2006), pp. 83-97. UM, YX.
C1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun On Film: the ‘True Story’ of Governmental and Independent Filmmakers” in Problemii Literatur Dalneho Vostoka [Issues in Far Eastern Literature] 2 vols. (St. Petersburg, Russia: St. Petersburg State University, 2006), vol. 1, pp. 105-127. UM, YX.
C1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun lun dianying ji dianying zhong de Lu Xun: Guanfang zhizuo he duli zhizuozhe ‘zheng zhuan’” (Lu Xun on film and films about Lu Xun and his works: the ‘true story’ of official productions and independent producers) chapter in book Lu Xun: kua wenhua duihua [Lu Xun: cross-cultural dialogues] (Zhengzhou: Daxiang chubanshe, 2006), pp. 327-336. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Da liu wang zhong yi ting” (Pavilion in the Diaspora: On Three Diasporic Productions of the Kun Opera Mudanting/ Peony Pavilion) in the Nanjing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Nanjing Normal University), November 2006. UM,YX.
B1*Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun zaoqi lunwen zhong de yuyanxue yitu: yong wenyan wei Hanyu wenxue chuangzao ‘chunzheng’ cihui” (The linguistic project within Lu Xun’s early essays: using the literary language to create a ‘purely’ Chinese vocabulary for Chinese literature) in Shanghai Lu Xun yanjiu (Lu Xun research – Shanghai), summer 2006, pp. 215-227. UN, YX.
B1 Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Jinian Meiguo Lu Xun yanjiu zhuanjia Weilian Lai’er” (In commemoration of American Lu Xun researcher William Lyell) in Lu Xun Yanjiu yuekan (Lu Xun research monthly), no. 7, pp. 88-90.UM. YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Pavilion in the Diaspora: Framing Diasporic Productions of the Kun Opera Mudanting,” published on the November issue of the Journal of the School of Chinese Literature and Culture, Nanjing Normal University.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Lu Xun: The Sexier Story” in Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (Madison, WI), vol. 27, December 2005, pp. 151-166. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun zheng zhuan” (The ‘True Story’ of Lu Xun) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan [Lu Xun Research Monthly], no. 12, 2005, pp. 48-53. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun zheng zhuan: yi ge geng xinggan de gushi” (Lu Xun and I Through 70 Years) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Nianjian (Yearbook of Lu Xun Research for 2004), Zheng Xinmiao, Sun Yu, Liu Zengren, ed. (Henan wenyi chubanshe, 2005) pp. 45-71. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Lu Xun jiutishi zhushi he Yingyi lueshu” (Treatise on the annotations and English translations of Lu Xun’s classical-style poetry) in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan [Lu Xun Research Monthly], no. 4, pp. 72-82. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Jieri zhi yu Lu Xun: ‘xiao’ chuantong yu Minguo shidai guomin xin ziwo rentong de wenhua shiye (Festivals for Lu Xun: the ‘lesser’ tradition and the formation of a new national cultural identity during the Republic) in Lu Xun yanjiu yuekan [Lu Xun research monthly], 2003, no. 11, pp. 32-39. UM, YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Haiwai daxue li de gudai Hanyu (Classical Chinese in overseas universities) in the journal Xun gen [Search for Roots], no. 56, issue 6, December 2003, pp. 48-53. UM, YX.
C1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun’s Han Linguistic Project: the use of wenyan to create an ‘authentic’ Han vocabulary for literary terminology in his early essays” in Lu Guoping, ed. Yu shijie jiegui: Hanyu wenhuaxue [Connecting with the world: Chinese language cultural studies] Taipei: Xuesheng shuju, 2002, pp. 289-312. UM,YX.
C1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun and Gogol” in The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, vol. 28, nos. 1-2 (2001 [2002]), pp. 101-112. UM,YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun yu Guogeli” (Lu Xun and Gogol) in Lu Xun yanjiu yuekan [Lu Xun research monthly], 2002, no. 7, pp. 29-36. UM,YX.
B1* Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun ‘shi’ yu ‘yi’ (Exegesis versus translation in the study of Lu Xun) in Lu Xun yanjiu yuekan [Lu Xun research monthly], 2002, no. 1, pp. 37-48. UM, YX.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Classical Chinese: Thriving at the Turn of the Millennium” in The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, vol. 34, 2002, pp. 133-142. UM, YX.
Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Pavilion in the Diaspora: Framing Diasporic Productions of the Kun Opera Mudanting” in the Chinese Studies Association of Australia Newsletter, no.26, December 2002, pp. 2-8. UM,YX.
C1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Melancholy in Late Qing and Early Republican Era Verse” in Wolfgang Kubin, ed., Symbols of Anguish: In Search of Melancholy in China (Bern: Peter Lang, 2001) (series Schweizer Asiatische Studien / Etudes asiatiques suisses: Monographien; Bd. 38), pp. 289-314. UM,YX.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Die Merkwürdige Geschichte der Sai Jinhua: Historisch-Philologische Untersuchung zur Entstehung und Verbreitung einer Legende aus der Zeit des Boxeraufstands [The curious story of Sai Jinhua: an historical and philological inquiry into the origins and proliferation of a legend from the period of the Boxer uprising] by Stephan von Minden (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1994) reviewed in The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, vol. 32-33, 2000-2001, pp. 185-193. UM,YX.
C1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Festivals for Lu Xun: the “Lesser Tradition and National Identity Construction” in Chinoperl, no. 20-22, pp. 139-158. (refereed US journal). UM, YX.
B1 Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Da liuwang yu Zhongguo wenhua [Chinese culture and the diaspora] in Dong Hua Shi Bao 22/7/99. UM,YX.
B1 Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Gang-Tai hou xiandai dianying [Postmodern films from Hong Kong and Taiwan], in Dong Hua Shi Bao serialized over four issues 12/8/99; 19/8/99; 26/8/99; 9/2/99. UM,YX.
B1 Kou Zhiming, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Delida zai Xini: qiren, qishi, ji qi zhexue [Derrida in Sydney: the man, the circumstances, and his philosophy] in Dong Hua Shi Bao 30/9/99. UM, YX.
B1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “The Diaspora and Postmodern Chinese Film in Taiwan and Hong Kong: Framing Stan Lai’s ‘The Peach Blossom Land’ with Allen Fong’s Ah Ying.” Chapter in the volume Transnational Chinese Cinemas: Identity, Nationhood, Gender. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1997, pp. 169-186. Sheldon Lu, ed. Kowallis 20%; Lu 20%, includes other contributors. UM, YX.
B1 Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “On the Diaspora and the Globalization of Chinese Literature and Cinema” — paper in Chinese Cultures in the Diaspora: Emerging Global Perspectives on the Centre and the Periphery (Taipei: The National Endowment for Culture and Arts, 1997), 169-186. UM, YX.
A1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – The Lyrical Lu Xun: a Study of His Classical-Style Verse. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, xii + 378 pp. (1996). Research classification: UM (Literary Studies: Asia and the Pacific). YX (humanities). (refereed book – monograph).
E1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Interpreting Lu Xun” – Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (Madison, WI and Bloomington, IN), vol. 18, pp. 153-164. (1996). UM, YX.
F3* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “The Popular Legend of Sai Jinhua: Prostitute, Procuress, or Protectress of the Nation” in Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (Ann Arbor, MI, 1997). UM, YX.
F3* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “A Defense of Poetry: Lu Xun’s Classical-style Poetry and the Question of ‘Occasional Verse’” in Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (Ann Arbor, MI, 1996). UM, YX.
1991 and prior
E1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von- “Lu Xun’s Classical-style Poetry” in Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles and Reviews, vol. 13, pp. 101-118. (1991). UM, YX.
F1* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Lu Xun’s Wenyan Essay Moluo shi li shuo (On the power of Mara poetry) and the Concerns of the May Fourth” in Marian Galik, ed., Proceedings of the International Symposium on Interliterary and Intraliterary Aspects of the May Fourth Movement of 1919 in China (Bratislava: Slovak Academy of Sciences), 1990, pp. 45-58. UM, YX.
D2* Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Yen Yen-chih (Yan Yanzhi): the biography of a Six Dynasties era poet. In The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986. UM, YX.
E1* Jyon Kowarisu, i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Beikoku no Rojin kenkyuu ni tsuite [Concerning Research on Lu Xun in America], published in Japanese in the supplement to vol.16 of the new Japanese-language translation of the Complete Works of Lu Xun (Rojin zenshuu), issue #17 (Tokyo: Gaku kenkyuusha), April 1986. UM, YX.
C1 Kowallis, Jon Eugene von; Zhao Ruihong – “Lu Xun’s Mara and the Advent of Comparative Literature Study in China,” coauthored with Zhao Ruihong, Chairman of the Chinese and Comparative Literature Program, Nanking University, in Cowrie: a Chinese Journal of Comparative Literature (Nanning, China), 1984, 1:2, pp. 35-46. (50%-50%). UM, YX.
Encyclopedia Articles
Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun (1881-1936)” in Chinese Fiction Writers, 1900-1949, vol. 328 of the Dictionary of Literary Biography series (New York: Bruccoli, Clark, Layman Books, a division of Thomson & Gale, 2007) pp. 129-150.
Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Chinese Literature” in The Encyclopedia of Literature & Politics, 3 vols. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005), vol. 1, pp. 152-157.
Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – “Lu Xun” in The Encyclopedia of Literature & Politics, 3 vols. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005), vol. 2, pp. 437-438.
Kowallis, Jon Eugene von. Qui Ye (Autumn Night) — Prose Poetry from Yecao (Wild Grass) by Lu Xun in A Century of Modern Chinese Poetry: An Anthology,eds Zhangbin Li, Frank Stewart, and Michelle Yeh (forthcoming, U of Washington Press).
Kowallis, Jon Eugene von. “How I Came to Write Fiction”; and “A Few Matters Recalled in Connection with Mr Zhang Taiyan” in Jottings Under Lamplight, eds. Eileen J Cheng and Kirk A Denton (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press).
Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Lu Xun’s classical Chinese essay “Toward a Refutation of Malevolent Voices” (1908) a completely revised and annotated translation in boundary2 November 2010, with an introduction by Wang Hui.
A1 Kou Zhiming 寇志明 (i.e. Kowallis, Jon Eugene von) – Selected Satires (bilingual format) by Feng Menglong 冯梦龙, et al. (Beijing: New World Press, 2002), 310 pps. Book of translations from classical and early vernacular Chinese. ISBN 9787800056567. UM, YX.
A1 Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Wit and Humor from Old Cathay (Beijing: Chinese Literature Press, 1986, rept. 1990). Book of translations of pre-modern classical and vernacular-style anecdotes (from collections dating AD 981-1899), with critical introduction. xi + 211 pp. Sold out twice and reprinted. Reviewed by James Nason (BBC External Services) in The China Quarterly (London) #112, Dec. 1987, p. 683. Cited by Professor Trinh T. Minh-ha in her book When the Moon Waxes Red: Representation, Gender and Cultural Politics (New York: Routledge, 1991) and in the credits for Trinh’s film Shoot for the Contents. UM, YX.
Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Selected Fables from Old Cathay (Beijing: Chinese Literature Press, 1999). Book of translations of pre-modern classical and vernacular-style anecdotes. ISBN 7-5071-0531-8. UM, YX.
Kowallis, Jon Eugene von – Selected Satire from Old Cathay (Beijing: Chinese Literature Press, 1999). Book of translations of translations of pre-modern classical and vernacular-style anecdotes. ISBN 7-5071-0524-5. UM, YX.
Kowallis, Jon Eugene von, “Lu Xun’s Classical Poetry: Selections”. In Renditions (Centre for Research Translation: The Chinese University of Hong Kong) #26 (Autumn 1986).